Shanghai ATP Industrial Co.,Ltd.
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To Contact Us By Phone, Fax or Mail:

By Phone
If you would like to place an order or get support by phone, call us at 0086-21-54856996. Call us Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (Beijing Time) and ask to speak to our International Sales Department or Technical Support Department.

By Fax
Please include your complete company information, contact information and your requirement. If you need technical support please tell us the Series No. of your products and the problem detail better with photo explain or video explain.

By Mail
Shanghai ATP Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Room 816,Floor 8 Building No.2  Lane 3999 LianHuaNanLu Road MinHang District Shanghai, 201109 P.R. China

By E-mail
To place an order or get more information, welcome e-mail us at 

We are here to help! If you've already placed an order and have questions about it, require assistance from our on-site Technical Support staff, or you can't find a particular product, email us at  or call 0086-21-54856996

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