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From 2020 we have one new Strategic famours End user customer in China. It's SHEIN.
One of the most popular APP in worldwide except China. Very interesting they not sell mainland in China.
The SHEIN APP download already more than AMAZON
So you are lucky can use SHEIN and download it. I use Taiwan ID for Iphone also can see it.  

Official website for SHEIN:

Before we can't promote this information until April they release the official video with our V cutter. Then this informaiton release officially. It is top secret company. Never official release any information.  So many companies wanna copy it and not get the real spirity of SHEIN all lost.

So we share this today with you. Our Video from 1min 31second ( I ask  my colleague make it repeat 5times so you can see it. Too short for us only 3 seconds in original video) 

There is the video for SHEIN top secret for success as follows:  (This video from Wechat Video copy right is from Dachang. )

It's pity only Chinese hope you can use google translator to translate it.  

ATP V CUTTER terrible strong in
In these 2 fields we are the one closest to ZUND.  Yes ZUND still better than ours but we will try to use reasonable cost and meet the same level of ZUND in these 2 fields.

So we have confident to help your team to win all competitors in these industry.  We promise you will 100% win your competitors.

We make one SHEIN top secret for success in English(from our view and information we got during our coopeate with them). If your customer or you need it in English you can contact with us and we will send to you.

Hope virus can finish soon. So we can meet each other face to face.  Wish you have a nice day.

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#JIAM #jiam2022osaka

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