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ATPJET Special Support for your restart from May 18 to July 18 2020
Dear all our best friend partner and dost and朋友:
How are you doing? Long time no see. Very very happy to hear world will restart step by step in May or June.. Summer is coming and hope is coming... Welcome Back!

We miss you so much! Sorry for all painful and lost among us in this COVID-19 Virus period. Hope all of us can walk out soon. Let us restart the earth!

In order to support you more in 2020 and we will give you special support for your restart and this support from May 18 to July 18,2020. 
Each Plotter/Cutting plotter order can get US 200 Dollars special parts support !

So hope we can do something for you even we also destroy badly by this virus but we survive and have new hope when world restart! 

Please take enough protect especially in the first 1 or 2 months restart. Then everything will back to normal step by step. Keep healthy and keep happy. If you need any assistant welcome to contact with us.

Hope can hear from you soon.

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